Message from the CHO
Investing in Human Capital as a Growth Driver to Accelerate Business Strategy and Enhance Long-term Corporate Value
In 2023, Mizuno redefined its Purpose, Vision, and Values (PVV). Among these, the vision of "We are persistent in bringing ‘A-mon’ quality for the world" encompasses not only providing superior products and services to our customers as a manufacturer but also broadly includes our human resources, corporate culture, and organizational climate. Although this concept is not new, one of the main reasons for this revision was to reconfirm it with all employees.
At our company, we are advancing our sustainability strategy based on ESG management. Among these efforts, the importance of "people" stands out, especially as we continue our existing businesses while advancing new strategies. Employees are not costs but capital; therefore, we treat business management strategy and human capital strategy as one and the same. We have increased investment in human resources, enhancing education and training programs. By further developing the strengths of our talent and investing in areas that need improvement, we believe that our 'human capital' will become a long-term growth driver, leading to the enhancement of our corporate value.
Our vision and specific initiatives also target talent employed by our overseas group companies. We are implementing various measures to connect people throughout the Mizuno Group and foster a "ONE Mizuno" culture. One such measure is improving employee engagement. It is important for this measure to involve two-way communication. It is often misunderstood that engagement means the company unilaterally provides something to employees. True engagement is achieved when the company creates a conducive work environment, implements education and training, and offers opportunities for employees to thrive, allowing each individual to work with a sense of fulfillment and growth. As a result, the organization can perform at its best, contributing to the company's success.
The completion of our new innovation center, "MIZUNO ENGINE," has had a positive impact on recruitment as well. We have seen an increase in the number of applicants from universities with which we had no previous connections, and the diversity of students applying has expanded. We plan to further increase the number of research positions in the future.
Currently, we are hiring as many mid-career professionals as new graduates. Innovation cannot occur without diversity in backgrounds. For instance, gathering only people who played baseball in Japan would not yield ideas beyond that scope. We actively recruit individuals of various nationalities and those without a sports background, anticipating that their interactions will generate synergy effects.
Although our turnover rate is low, those who have left Mizuno speak highly of us, so it is also a great option for us to consider establishing a reemployment system. Regardless of the tenure of employment, I want Mizuno to be a company where everyone can take pride in their employee experience. To achieve this, we aim to further strengthen our investment in human capital and create long-term corporate value.
* For details about PVV, please refer to [Purpose, Vision, and Values]
(link to: Management and Sustainability Strategy > Mizuno's Purpose, Vision, and Values).
Tsuyoshi Watanabe
Executive Officer, Mizuno Corporation
Global Human Resources & General Affairs Department
Sales Supervision Department
Corporate Sales Department
Specialty Store Sales Division