Labor Practices


Employment status[*d]

Mizuno Corporation (FY 2023)

Employees (no. of people)
Female Male Other Total
MIZUNO Corporation Full-time Employee (Managerial Position) 15 188 203
Full-time Employee (Non-manage rial Position) 457 838 1,295
Total Full-time Employees 472 1,026 1,498
Contractual Employees 20 174 194
Contract Employee 66 74 140
Part-time Workers 151 67 218
Total Employees 709 1,341 2,050
Temporary Employees 3 85 88

Age Distribution of Career Hires[*d]

Mizuno Corporation (FY 2023)

Full-time Employee Contract Employee
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Younger than 30 5 3 8 0 0 0
30 to 39 13 2 15 4 1 5
40 to 49 3 3 6 1 0 1
50 to 59 0 0 0 1 1 2
Total 21 8 29 6 2 8

Mizuno Group[*a]


* The percentages are rounded off to the nearest whole number, so all percentages may not total 100%.


Turnover Status[*d]

Mizuno Corporation (FY 2023) Turnover
Rate: 2.39%

Full-time Employees
Male Female Total
Younger than 30 2 3 5
30 to 39 11 6 17
40 to 49 2 0 2
50 to 59 5 1 6
Total 20 10 30

Welfare systems

Mizuno takes employee requests into consideration in deciding what welfare systems to offer and currently offers a number of unique systems, including the following: 1) defined contribution pension plan, 2) long service leave system, 3) club activity promotion system, and 4) self-training support system.

Welfare systems[*b] the Mizuno Group (domestic)

Defined contribution pension plan [*b]*
Details This system allows employees to decide what kind of pension plan they want based on the premiums the Company will pay. To help employees improve their CSR attitude, the pension plans that Mizuno allows employees to choose from are funds that invest in companies that actively promote CSR activities.
Performance Mizuno has invited experts as instructors to provide defined contribution pension subscribers with investment education.
As it did the previous year, Mizuno promoted the use of its matching contribution system (where the Company’s premiums are added to premiums paid by employees).
Matching contribution subscriber rate: 63.4%
Adoption rate of DC Good Company, an investment product targeting companies that actively promote CSR activities: 1.02%
Employee stock ownership association [*b]
Details This is a system designed to encourage and assist employees in building their assets by purchasing the company's own stocks, to which Mizuno adds a 10% bonus to each employee contribution.
Performance As of the end of March 2024, 751 employees (out of 3,326 eligible group employees) have participated in this system.
Long service leave system[*b]*
Details This system offers special leave and travel subsidies to employees every five years with the aim of helping employees take long-term leave and travel around to feel refreshed.
Performance In FY 2023, 253 employees were eligible for this system (no. of users: 109; user rate:3.08%).
Note: Mizuno will allow those who were eligible for this system in FY 2019- FY 2022 to use the system in FY 2023 because the COVID-19 pandemic practically rendered the system unavailable in those years.
Cafeteria plan system[*b]
Details This system aims to cover part of the expenses incurred by employees by giving the same number of points to all employees and allowing them to choose how to use them from a number of menus so that they can use their points in ways that best match their lifestyle
Performance The Mizuno Group’s employees used a total of 445,000 points.
Promoting club activities and in-house sports events[*b]
Details To help employees maintain their good health and to enliven the Company, Mizuno promotes and supports in-house sports and cultural activities.
Performance About 25 clubs are currently active in the entire domestic Group, which comprise the following types: 1) athletic clubs (including baseball, soccer, and rugby teams); and 2) cultural clubs (including popular music bands).
In addition, Mizuno held an online walking event once in FY 2023, which welcomed approximately 1,000 employees nationwide.

*The reporting scope excludes the Seno Group and includes Mizuno Corporation and some domestic Mizuno Group companies.

Communicating with employee representatives

Mizuno and Mizuno Technics have concluded a union shop agreement within their labor agreement with Mizuno Union (as of March 31, 2024, 1,588 union members and 996 non-union members). Multiple opportunities for dialogue are held each month, including the Central Labor-Management Council and each Block Labor-Management Council attended by the top management of both companies, the Human Resources Department, and union officials such as the union chairman. In addition, discussions are held at various forums such as the Labor Wage Research Committee and the Safety and Health Committee. These dialogues focus on exchanging views on business conditions, establishing and operating fair labor conditions and various systems, and creating a comfortable work
Furthermore, the labor agreement stipulates that employees must be notified at least one month in advance for secondments or transfers and at least one week in advance for other relocations.

Labor and Management Initiatives

Mizuno and Mizuno Technics have concluded a union-shop agreement as part of a labor agreement with Mizuno Union. As of March 31, 2024, the number of union members is 1,588 and non-union members are 996. The proportion of union members subject to the labor contract is 61.5% of all employees, which total 2584.
However, last year, the company proposed to contract workers, temporary workers, and part-time workers that they could join Mizuno Union under an open shop system. Among these targeted workers, 31 joined (included in the above 1,588 union members).

Regular meetings are held between labor and management. They aim to improve employees' working conditions through various discussions and the establishment and operation of fair working conditions and various systems, and to create a comfortable working environment. The specifics are outlined in the labor agreement as follows:

<Central Labor-Management Council>

  • - Composition: 2-4 executive officers and 2-4 management level staff at the level of deputy manager or higher from the company, and 4-8 central officers from Mizuno Union.
  • - Frequency: Once every two months
  • Supplementary Agenda Items:

(1) Issues related to basic management policies and annual plans.
(2)Issues related to new business plans, establishment and abolition of business sites, and overseas business.
(3)Issues related to the establishment, revision, and abolition of labor contracts, various labor-management agreements, and work regulations
(4)Issues related to the safety and health of employees.
(5)Issues related to corporate social responsibility.
(6)Issues related to employee hiring plans, education, and employee welfare.

<Block Labor-Management Council>

  • - Composition: Same as Central Labor-Management Council.
  • - Frequency: Every month
  • - Supplementary Agenda Items: Issues related to the business locations within each block from the Central Labor-Management Council's supplementary agenda items.

For non-union members (employees not subject to the labor contract), employment conditions are set based on the employment rules for fixed-term and indefinite-term employees, which are created based on the labor contract.

For employee reassignments, the labor contract stipulates that employees must be notified at least one month in advance for transfers and relocations, and at least one week in advance for other changes.

For other significant changes, the labor contract stipulates that prior consultation between labor and management is required, including:

  • Recognition of non-union members among employees subject to the union shop system.
  • Disciplinary action against union members.
  • Abolition of regulations concerning wages and retirement allowances
  • Annual scheduled working hours, annual holidays, etc.

Communication between Labor and Management

When it comes to employee reassignments, the labor contract stipulates that notifications should be given at least one month in advance for transfers and secondments, and at least one week in advance for other changes.
For other significant changes, the labor contract stipulates that prior consultation between labor and management is required. These changes include:

  • Recognition of non-union members among employees subject to the union-shop system.
  • Disciplinary action against union members.
  • Abolition or amendment of regulations concerning wages and retirement allowances.
  • Annual scheduled working hours, annual holidays, andthe like.