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    Funding for the promotion of citizen sports and lifetime sports

    National Sports Festival, and the Japanese Para Sports Association. The foundation has been funding the following:
    - Organizations and competitions to improve Japanese citizens’ physical strength and sportsman spirit
    - Organizations that focus on promoting and developing sports clubs, promoting community activities through sports, and providing guidance on developing health and physical strength
    - Organizations that operate sports clubs, and organizations that conduct surveys and research on building health and physical strength, and develop instructors.

    Cumulative fund total:USD 14.9 million

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    Funding for the promotion of regional sports

    The foundation supports schools, etc., in further organizing their educational facilities. It also funds organizations, etc., that support the education provided in remotely located schools by helping them organize educational facilities, etc., thereby facilitating the provision of education.

    Cumulative fund total:USD 1.54 million

  • 写真

    Funding for the promotion of physical education at schools and in society

    The foundation funds organizations that contribute to the development of sports at junior and senior high schools, and in communities.
    The funding is provided to:
    - Organizations that aim for the healthy physical and mental development of junior high school students across Japan, as well as for the promotion of physical education and sports activities
    - Organizations that aim to promote physical education and sports activities at high schools for the healthy development of pupils
    - Organizations that establish a system of mutual cooperation for committee members who are physical education instructors so they can improve their quality, and that conduct projects to promote sports among regional residents.

    Cumulative fund total:USD 2.83 million

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    Funding for the enhancement of athletes and improvement of their competitive abilities

    The foundation funds organizations, etc., that serve to spread and promote sports and contribute to the healthy physical and mental development of citizens, by training athletes and improving their competitive abilities.

    Cumulative fund total:USD 11.5 million

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    Funding of developing youth sports

    The foundation funds sports-related organizations in developing youths who aspire to be athletes.

    Cumulative fund total:USD 1.75 million

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    Funding of world tournaments, etc., held in Japan

    The foundation funds global tournaments and international competitions for various sports held in Japan by the International (Sports) Foundation (IF).

    Cumulative fund total:USD 2 million

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    Funding to boost Olympic movement

    The foundation funds youth development, international exchanges, environmental conservation, exhibitions of commemorative items, and other such projects by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) concerning the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

    Cumulative fund total:USD 9.14 million

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    Funding of scientific, academic, and medical research on sports

    The foundation funds researchers and research organizations concerning sports.

    Cumulative fund total:USD 3.91 million

Cumulative grand total:USD 47.58 million