• 写真

Message from Chairman

Mizuno Sports Promotion Foundation (a public incorporated foundation) was established in 2011, by merging the Mizuno Sports Promotion Association established in 1970 under the dying will of Mizuno founder Rihachi Mizuno, and the Mizuno International Sports Exchange Foundation established in 1977 under the will of Kenjiro Mizuno , Mizuno’s second-generation president.

Until now the foundation has been striving to “conduct projects to promote sports in Japan and play a part in the healthy mental and physical development of its citizens.” Going forward, the foundation will continue to engage in activities to spread and promote sports a nd develop international exchanges through sports.

We will continue our group funding projects that we have maintained since our establishment (funding Japan Sports Association (a public interest incorporated foundation), the Japanese Olympic Committee (as above), the Japanese Para Sports Association, competition sports organizations, etc.) and research funding projects for young sports researchers. We will also promote the Mizuno Sports Mentors Award and the Mizuno Sports Writers Award established in 1990, to further encourage sports leaders and young sports writers. It would be our honor if these projects could play even a small part in promoting sports.

Going forward, we will conduct activities to create environment s to freely enjoy sports for children, who will be responsible for the future, and activities that will contribute to the extension of healthy lives, which is becoming important in this era where people live to 100 years old.
