Environmentally Friendly Artificial Turf – MS CRAFT Series
Mizuno’s Sports Facilities & Services Division designs and constructs a wide range of sports facilities, and its long-pile artificial turf for sports is used at sports facilities throughout Japan. In particular, the MS CRAFT Series, leveraging proprietary crimp-pile Mizuno Spiral Technology developed based on Mizuno’s extensive experience in facility and turf construction, has been utilized to construct fields suitable for sport.
The MS CRAFT Series artificial turf was selected as a verification target under the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program by Ministry of the Environment,Japan (MOE), which promotes the dissemination of leading environmental technology. ETV Program tests verified the MS CRAFT Series contributes to both suppressing surface temperatures and reducing the run-off of turf filler.
The ETV Program provides third-party verification under conditions of actual use for products using environmental technologies available on the market, and the results are published on MOE’s website. The program seeks to support spreading environmental technology by making data showing its effectiveness widely available, and thereby contribute to environmental conservation.
The MS CRAFT Series was proven to 1) suppress the surface temperature by over 5°C compared to existing products (heat suppressing straight-pile artificial turf), and 2) to reduce the turf filler run-off caused by rain and other conditions by over 70%. Among the six technology fields reviewed by the ETV Program, the MS CRAFT Series technology was proven in the Climate change mitigation technology field and the Water and soil environment conservation technology field. The tests verified the product’s effectiveness in both combating climate change and reducing the pollution of natural environments and water by preventing the run-off of turf filler, demonstrating the MS CRAFT Series’ contribution towards environmental conservation.
The MS CRAFT Series is furthermore the first artificial turf product to be verified for effectiveness in more than one technology field.

Shape comparison of existing straight-pile artificial turf to the MS CRAFT Series
1.Surface temperature comparison

* Test conducted outdoors, therefore test results subject to environmental conditions
2.Comparison of environmental impact caused by turf filler run-off

* Abrasion test: Conducted a 20,800-count turf wear simulation
* Even considering that the run-off amount of the baseline product was reduced due to the straight-pile collapsing after the abrasion test, the MS CRAFT Series was proven to be superior in preventing turf filler run-off
Mizuno is aiming to grow its business through resolving social issues in order to realize a sustainable society. To that end, it is engaged in efforts to reduce the environmental impact and other sustainability activities in the area of sporting environment too.