Occupational Safety and Health


Basic Concepts

At the Mizuno Group, based on the "Occupational Safety and Health Basic Policy," we operate a labor safety and health management system according to our internal voluntary standards, working on the prevention of workplace accidents among employees and the maintenance and enhancement of health, as well as disease prevention.

Occupational Safety and Health Basic Policy


Mizuno Corporation and all related companies involved in the manufacturing and sale of Mizuno Corporation’s products recognize that ensuring the safety and health of employees is an integral part of business operations, and we commit to creating a safe and comfortable working environment.


  1. Each business location will comply with all safety and health-related laws and regulations in their respective regions, while establishing necessary internal standards to improve management levels.
  2. Within Mizuno Corporation and all Mizuno Group organizations, efforts will be made to build organizational structures that enable the promotion of safety and health activities and to clarify where responsibility lies.
  3. Regular evaluations, inspections, and improvements of dangers and hazards related to safety and health will be conducted in all areas of business activities.
  4. All employees will be provided with necessary and sufficient education and training to ensure safety and health.
  5. Recognizing that the usefulness of safety and health is realized through daily information sharing, important information will be disseminated to employees through the internal network and other means of communication, aiming to raise awareness.
  6. Regular audits will be conducted to measure and improve the safety and health management system.
  7. Participation in administrative and community activities related to safety and health will occur.
  8. Appropriate management resources will be allocated in the execution of this policy, and effective improvements will be continuously implemented.

Occupational Safety and Health Management System

Mizuno holds Occupational Safety and Health Committees at all business locations, conducted jointly by management and labor representatives. These committees discuss and examine measures related to employee safety, including the prevention of occupational accidents, maintenance and promotion of health, and prevention of diseases.

To centralize control over the Safety and Health Committees of all business locations, a Central Safety and Health Committee is established, chaired by the executive officer in charge of Human Resources and General Affairs. This committee meets twice a year and addresses the current year’s safety and health plans, as well as reports and reviews activities from the previous year.

Additionally, in accordance with the plans of the Central Safety and Health Committee, each business location holds its own Safety and Health Committees to verify the implementation status of the plans and accident situations, as well as discuss and record measures to prevent recurrence. Chaired by the department head of each business location, these committees meet monthly to verify the implementation status of annual plans, investigate the causes of defects, occupational injuries, and accidents, formulate measures to prevent recurrence, and make resolutions. The minutes of these meetings are recorded in a common database that can be accessed and shared by all Safety and Health Committees.

Furthermore, Mizuno formulates and executes improvement plans for building inspections and identified risk environments in collaboration with the labor union. Legal inspections and improvements are complied with 100%.

Enhancing Occupational Safety and Health Activities

In FY2022, we focused on legal compliance and improving risk management levels, as well as addressing sustainability aspects such as health promotion, environmental protection, and earthquake preparedness, through various safety and health activities.

During the past three years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our safety and health activities were primarily implemented through remote learning. However, we resumed actions like self-defense firefighting drills and building inspections, advancing a hybrid approach that combines hands-on training with classroom learning. As a result, we have maintained a healthy and safe daily life in FY2022 without any major accidents occurring.

Furthermore, we will strive for zero accidents and work-related injuries at the Innovation Center Mizuno Engine, which we have established on our head office premises in Osaka.

Across the entire Mizuno Group, we will continue to identify and eliminate factors or situations that could potentially lead to work-related injuries. As part of our efforts to detect diseases early, we have incorporated cancer screenings into our regular health check-ups, and will also regularly conduct health consultations with industrial physicians and mental health consultations with consulting doctors.

We will continue to work year by year on activities aimed at maintaining and enhancing the safety and health of our employees.

Report on Mizuno’s safety and health plan for FY 2022

Building and equipment management Number of accidents due to problems with buildings and equipment (including facility collapse, damage, electric leakage, and fire): none
Health management Health management includes implementing a stress check, verifying a medical checkup rate at two business offices that introduced a new medical checkup in advance, preventing health defects associated with telework, disseminating health information by video, and complying with health-management-related laws and regulations.
* A regular medical checkup was replaced with a lifestyle disease prevention checkup administered by the government.
Risk management Number of accidents due to disasters: none. Risk management includes continually improving measures against disasters and emergencies.
Vehicle management Vehicle management includes reducing the number of rear-end accidents and collision accidents, reducing the number of accidents that occur in parking lots, and three external complaints.
Cafeteria management Number of food poisoning accidents, accidents due to cafeteria equipment, and industrial accidents in the cafeteria: none
Regarding the training provided to employees
The planning and execution of health management exercise events (with a participation rate of 50%), health education, sharing the status of health management with the board of directors (10 or more times a year), conducting cancer screenings (with an examination rate of over 90%), and health consultations by public health nurses.
The planning and implementation of health education In FY2022, we held seminars on both "food" and "sleep", with participation from approximately 50 attendees.