Policies and Systems


Management policy

Mizuno Environmental Policy

To create a sustainable community and environment for the future, where all of us around the world can play sports safely and vigorously, the Mizuno Group will actively help preserve the global environment through all of its business activities and actions of each and every one of its employees.

  1. Prevention of environmental pollution
    We will reduce the impacts of chemicals on people, the environment and the ecosystem.
    We will endeavor to reduce and recycle waste.
  2. Sustainable use of resources
    We will endeavor to make effective use of limited resources.
  3. Mitigation of climate change
    We will endeavor to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  4. Coexistence with society
    We will endeavor to develop and offer products and services that take the environment into consideration.
    We will broaden communications with local communities.
    We will endeavor to preserve biodiversity.

To ensure realization of the above policies, we will set specific environmental objectives and targets so that systematic efforts can be made to achieve the targets.

1 July, 2021

Akito Mizuno
Mizuno Corporation

Management system

To promote environmental protection activities as a Group, Mizuno has established an environment management system, led by its operating officer.

For more information on Mizuno’s management system, please refer to Mizuno’s Environmental Management System.