Compliance / Anti-corruption
Basic Concepts
Based on the Mizuno Corporation Ethical Standards, we make company-wide efforts to ensure thorough compliance throughout the Group. We strive to prevent compliance issues by providing education to employees to deepen their understanding of laws and regulations. We have also established the whistle-blowing system to detect and resolve issues at an early stage.
In the fiscal year 2023, there were no cases of serious compliance violations, including anti-competitive behavior, or no cases subject to legal action.
Compliance Risk Management System
We have established the Risk Management Committee, chaired by the President (CEO), to implement management through which we regularly understand risks, including compliance violations, that affect our business and take remedial measures effectively and efficiently. We also audit business operations through the Internal Audit Office, and work to detect fraud and misconduct in an early stage and resolve issues as needed through the internal reporting desks.
Management system (As of 2023)
Operation system of the whistle-blowing system
We have established the Risk Management Committee, chaired by the President (CEO), to implement management through which we regularly understand risks, including compliance violations, that affect our business and take remedial measures effectively and efficiently. We also audit business operations through the Internal Audit Office, and work to detect fraud and misconduct in an early stage and resolve issues as needed through the internal reporting desks. We operate three internal reporting desks under the whistle-blowing system to prevent and early detect misconduct, including legal violations, unethical behavior, and dishonest behavior, to improve the company's self-purification capability, and to ensure social trust.
1.Mizuno Fair Play Hotline
2.Compliance Hotline (Senoh Group)
3.Mizuno Global Hotline (for especially serious cases at overseas bases; The number of overseas bases covered by this system is planned to be gradually increased.)
Enhancement of employee awareness
Provision of compliance education
To ensure thorough compliance, it is essential to raise the understanding and awareness of individual employees. In the fiscal year 2023, we continued to provide compliance education [*b] as part of company-wide education to help employees acquire the basics of legal knowledge and mind related to business operations. We also provided education on legal matters to be noted by the planning and development division, the business division, and the other relevant divisions. We work to help employees acquire knowledge and awareness of compliance by providing regular compliance education.
Operation of the whistle-blowing system
We operate the whistle-blowing system (Mizuno Fair Play Hotline [*c], Compliance Hotline*, etc.) to prevent and early detect misconduct, including legal violations, unethical behavior, and dishonest behavior, to improve the company's self-purification capability and to ensure social trust. We also continue to conduct an awareness survey to grasp the current status and issues of compliance and work to publicize the whistle-blowing system by providing company-wide education and distributing portable cards that contain detailed information on the internal reporting desks to all employees. Thus, we strive to provide a greater understanding of the system and improve its reliability so that we can detect and appropriately respond to compliance issues at an early stage.
Aside from the internal reporting desk established at each overseas base for overseas employees, we established a system in January 2020 that allows employees at some overseas bases to report especially serious compliance violations directly to the internal reporting desk of the Head Office of Mizuno Corporation (Mizuno Global Hotline). We plan to gradually increase the number of overseas bases covered by this system in the future.
Moreover, in line with the enforcement of the Amended Whistleblower Protection Act from June 2022, we have conducted a comprehensive review of the whistle-blowing system throughout the entire Mizuno Group. As part of this effort, we have also established a new external reporting channel. With the aim of further strengthening whistleblower protection, we also have placed it under the jurisdiction of the Internal Audit Office which is more independent than the Legal Department. Additionally, we are implementing annual awareness campaigns for employees to ensure that the whistle-blowing system (Mizuno Fair Play Hotline / Harassment Hotline) is 100% recognized and understood by all Mizuno employees."
* Name of the whistle-blowing system in the Senoh Group
System for the Mizuno Fair Play Hotline (As pf 2023)
Usage status of the whistle-blowing system[*b]
Our investigation in FY 2023 found no serious compliance violations.
Mechanisms to Ensure Fair Transactions
Many suppliers and business partners, including small factories, are involved in the manufacture of our products. To build good relationships with business partners and ensure fair trade, we provide education to inform the employees of the relevant divisions of the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, etc. to Subcontractors (Subcontract Act). In addition, the Internal Audit Office continues to check whether our business transactions are fair to major business partners.
We also hold a CSR procurement briefing session for all relevant suppliers of our products prior to transactions to explain our approach to fair trade so that they will comply with the Mizuno CSR Procurement Regulations, which contain anti-corruption provisions. In addition, we regularly audit our suppliers to check for corruption in transactions.
Furthermore, recognizing that value creation with a diverse range of stakeholders—including shareholders, employees, business partners, customers, creditors, and the local community—is essential in corporate management, we strive for appropriate collaboration with these stakeholders. We established the Multi-Stakeholder Policy in March 2024, based on the perspective that the appropriate distribution of profits and outcomes generated through value creation and productivity improvement is crucial for maintaining wage increase momentum and sustainable economic development. This includes rewarding employees and considering business partners.
For more information about the Multi-Stakeholder Policy, please refer to this document.
Internal regulations on anti-corruption
We have recently worked to expand sales in B-to-B and global business. Meanwhile, many countries have tightened their crackdown on corruption, which may generally occur as a result of these business activities, and global companies are required to respond to such a crackdown. We therefore need to pay attention to the risk of corruption, including bribery of public officials, in our business activities.
Most recently, in January 2020, we established and put into effect the Anti-Bribery Rules for our group companies in Japan and overseas. We explained about the rules individually to the managers of overseas bases in a face-to-face manner and informed employees in Japan through an in-house training video that the rules had come into effect. In addition, we regularly provide compliance education, including anti-corruption education, to all employees in Japan once a year.
Enhancement of compliance throughout the Group on a global scale
In order for us to further grow globally, it is necessary to enhance compliance throughout the Group on a global scale. Assuming that the following risks are compliance risks that may have a significant impact on our overseas business continuity and business performance, we are taking measures against these risks. In the fiscal year 2023, there were no cases subject to legal action regarding bribery throughout the Mizuno Group.
Major potential risks in overseas business
- Risk of fraud and misconduct by employees and related persons of overseas subsidiaries and agents and overseas business travelers
- Information leakage risk due to inadequate IT management and information security at overseas subsidiaries (especially risk related to compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe)
- Consideration for diversity and human rights (religion, race, etc.) in global product development
Major risk countermeasures
In the fiscal year 2023, we conducted a unified and comprehensive questionnaire survey for risk inventory targeting all domestic and overseas bases as well as domestic business establishments, including our operating facilities and stores, for the purpose of risk management on a global scale, and found no significant risk. From the fiscal year 2024 onward, we plan to continue this initiative while considering refining the survey method to make it more effective as needed.
Tax Compliance Initiatives
The Mizuno Group complies with tax laws in each country where its group companies operate, ensuring proper tax filings and payments. We have established a tax governance structure to ensure appropriate tax handling in collaboration with our group companies. While we actively utilize preferential tax systems that align with our business objectives, we do not engage in tax planning aimed at tax avoidance. Furthermore, we strive to enhance tax compliance awareness across the entire group by consulting with tax authorities as necessary and incorporating the opinions of external advisors and auditors.
We maintain a sincere and cooperative approach with tax authorities in each country, fostering and maintaining sound trust relationships. If a tax audit is requested, we respond promptly and appropriately to any issues raised. In cases where there is a dispute with tax authorities regarding our tax decisions, we carefully examine the points raised and seek corrections as necessary to resolve the matter.
Future issues to be addressed
In response to an increase in transactions with various business partners and the growing importance of information and evidence preservation and management for unexpected legal risks and dispute resolution, we will take the following measures:
- Provision of regular education to improve the basic ability of employees to respond legally
- Provision of education on contract management and preservation of evidence and creation of an education system
- Establishment of an information system / Introduction of forensic technology
In addition, we will take the following measures based on our policy that governance should be strengthened for global efforts toward a sustainable society.
- Expansion of the application of the whistle-blowing system to overseas bases
- Review of the CSR procurement audit system
- Reevaluating the legal reporting lines and information management systems on a global scale