Climate Change
Basic Concepts
To help create a decarbonized society, the Mizuno Group is committed to reducing energy consumption and energy-derived CO2 emissions across the entire group.
Additionally, recognizing the importance of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions throughout the entire value chain, Mizuno is also working on reducing GHG emissions from its products.
Furthermore, Mizuno will promote its reduction targets based on new goals certified by the international initiative "Science Based Targets (SBT) Initiative" in April 2024.
Energy consumption
Mizuno currently makes various efforts with the aim of achieving its long-term environmental targets. Key examples include solar power generation at domestic factories and the installation of LED equipment at its offices in Japan and overseas. To reduce its energy consumption, Mizuno currently puts effort into strategically installing LED equipment at offices that have a higher risk of imposing environmental burden, such as its headquarters’ buildings and factories. In addition, Mizuno currently puts effort into switching its company cars from gasoline cars to hybrid and other fuel-efficient cars.
Furthermore, electric cars have also been introduced and been proving to be safe and environment friendly. Mizuno’s company cars are equipped with Telematics, which allows visualizing how cars are being driven. This has proven to be useful in not only helping drivers pay more attention to driving safely but also improving fuel economy and reducing CO2 emissions.
Mizuno’s total domestic energy consumption in the fiscal year 2023 was 112,705 GJ. The intensity of energy consumption* was 79.7, a decrease of 5.1points year on year.
Total energy consumption [*b]

* The breakdown of energy consumption includes non-renewable fuel sources, electricity, heating, cooling, and steam. At this point, fuel sources from renewable energy, such as biofuels, have not been identified.
* Energy consumption does not include external energy consumption within the organization.
* Intensity of energy consumption: Domestic energy consumption (GJ) / Total domestic sales revenue (hundred million yen)
* The calculation uses coefficients from the LCI database IDEA version 3.3.
Breakdown of energy consumption [*b]

* The calculation uses coefficients from the LCI database IDEA version 3.3.
Key Initiatives for Reducing Energy Consumption
Mizuno is progressively converting lighting to LED to reduce energy consumption. Equipment used in our buildings is being upgraded to energy-efficient models as they come up for replacement. However, due to the difficulty in tracking the reduction amounts and types of energy for individual initiatives, there are currently no plans to disclose this information.
Energy-derived CO2 Emissions
In the fiscal year 2023, the Mizuno Group set a goal for its total energy-derived CO2 emissions of 12,240 t-CO2 (Reduced by 4.2% compared to the previous fiscal year), but the actual result was 12,528 t-CO2. The increase in electricity usage was influenced by the full operation of the domestic innovation center and an increase in directly operated stores. Going forward, Mizuno aims to reduce its CO2 emissions through the introduction of energy-saving equipment and the promotion of efficient operations.
Additionally, the occurrence of CO2 emissions from biological sources, such as the combustion of biomass, has not been identified.
* The figures are calculated based on the location-based method. Using the market-based method, the target was 10,759 t-CO2 (Reduced by 4.2% compared to the previous fiscal year), and the actual result was 11,177 t-CO2.
Regional GHG emissions and intensity*2
The location-based method

The market-based method

* Emission Intensity: Greenhouse gas emissions (t-CO2e) / Consolidated sales (billion yen)
* Due to rounding, the sum of individual items may not exactly match the total shown in the overall total column.
Other Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Mizuno recognizes that to achieve a decarbonized society, it is essential not only to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated by the company itself but also to engage in initiatives across the entire value chain. Therefore, Mizuno calculates emissions across the entire value chain based on the Scope 3 standards of the GHG Protocol.
In the fiscal year 2023, Mizuno’s Scope 3 CO2 emissions accounted for 96.67% of its total CO2 emissions. To reduce the amount of Scope 3 CO2 emissions, Mizuno is making efforts such as collaborating with Sumitomo Warehouse, which operates Mizuno’s main warehouses, to promote the installation of LED lighting, and partially advancing a modal shift in transportation between its major warehouses in Western and Eastern Japan.
Among Scope 3, Category 1 "Purchased Goods and Services" and Category 12 "End-of-Life Treatment of Sold Products," which together account for about 80%, were recalculated in the fiscal year 2021 using an LCA-based method, revising the traditional calculation approach. To reduce emissions in Category 1, Mizuno will continue to promote the use of environmentally friendly materials such as recycled and plant-based materials, while also collaborating with supply chain partners to consider additional measures for further reductions.
Regarding reduction targets, Mizuno obtained certification from the international initiative "Science Based Targets (SBT) Initiative" in 2024. Consequently, the method of calculating greenhouse gas emissions was revised, including the calculation of Scope 2 in Japan based on the market-based method.
Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions generated in FY 2023 [*a]

Scope | Category | Category name | CO2 emission
(t-CO2) |
Breakdown ratio
(%) |
Scope1 | Mizuno’s direct emissions | 3,989 | 0.94 | |
Scope2 | Mizuno’s indirect emissions | 7,188 | 1.70 | |
Scope3 | Others’ indirect emissions | 411,041 | 97.35 | |
Breakdown | Category 1 | Purchased products and services | 328,521 | 77.8 |
Category 2 | Capital goods | 6,451 | 1.5 | |
Category 3 | Fuel- and energy-related activities | 3,569 | 0.8 | |
Category 4 | Upstream transportation and distribution | 15,319 | 3.6 | |
Category 5 | Waste generated in operations | 583 | 0.1 | |
Category 6 | Business travel | 7,275 | 1.7 | |
Category 7 | Employee commuting | 4,219 | 1.0 | |
Category 8 | Upstream leased assets | 4,472 | 1.1 | |
Category 9 | Downstream transportation and distribution | 509 | 0.1 | |
Category 12 | End-of-life treatment of sold products | 40,123 | 9.5 | |
Total | 422,218 |
Note: Calculations of purchased electricity emissions are location based.
* The calculation scope is the domestic Mizuno Group and overseas Mizuno Group.
* Scope 1: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from a company’s direct operations, such as the in-house use of fuel
* Scope 2: A company’s indirect GHG emissions from purchased electricity, heat, and steam
* Scope 3: A company’s indirect GHG emissions coming from product manufacturing, transportation, employees’ business travel and commuting within the supply chain
* For Scopes 1 and 2, emissions are from energy sources.
For Scope 3, non-energy source greenhouse gases are partly included according to the guidelines from the Ministry of the Environment.
* The data marked with ☑ has been assured by a third party in Japanese version of report.
* Scope1,2
Direct and indirect GHG emissions from corporate activities as defined by the GHG Protocol
* Scope3/Category 1
The following three methods are used to calculate emission factors according to the characteristics of product categories.
・LCA of the representative model of the product sold by Mizuno in the relevant fiscal year was carried out and the emission factor of the product was calculated. GHG emissions were calculated by multiplying the sales volume with the emission factor. - ①
・In the manufacturing department, GHG emissions were calculated by multiplying the amount of substances used in manufacturing with the emission factor. - ②
・GHG emissions were calculated by multiplying the cost of products sold by Mizuno in the relevant fiscal year with the emission factor specified by the Ministry of the Environment. - ③
Total GHG emissions = ① + ② + ③
* For LCA calculation, the emission factor of LCI database IDEA version3.3 and Database on Emissions Unit Values for Accounting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain.
* Scope3/Category 12
The following three methods are used for calculation according to the characteristics of product categories.
・LCA of the representative model of the product sold by Mizuno in the relevant fiscal year was carried out and the emission factor of the product for disposal specified by the Ministry of the Environment was calculated. GHG emissions were calculated by multiplying the sales volume with the emission factor. - ①
・In the manufacturing department, GHG emissions were calculated by multiplying the amount of substances used in manufacturing with the emission factor for disposal. - ②
・GHG emissions estimated from sales amount based on the GHG emissions calculated from ①. - ③
Total GHG emissions = ① + ② + ③
* For LCA calculation, the emission factor of LCI database IDEA version 3.3 and Database on Emissions Unit Values for Accounting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain.
【Third Party Assurance】
In order to ensure a higher level of transparency and reliability while disclosing information on environmental data, Mizuno has obtained third-party assurance for the Japanese version of environmental data for the fiscal year 2023 with this report from SGS Japan Inc
PDF of Assurance Report
【Scope of Assurance】
GHG emissions in the fiscal year 2023 (Scope 3, Category 1,12)
Other Emissions to the Atmosphere
There are no relevant emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant atmospheric emissions, so reporting on these is not being conducted.
Future Issues to be Addressed
- Mizuno will strive to reduce GHG emissions in Scopes 1, 2, and 3 in accordance with the guidelines of the Paris Agreement and continue to strengthen these activities moving forward.
- Mizuno will promote measures aimed at energy conservation and the transition to low-carbon energy sources.
- Mizuno will promote efforts throughout the supply chain to reduce Scope 3 emissions.
- Mizuno will work towards building a circular economy, including waste reduction and promoting a circular economy.