Stakeholder Engagement


Stakeholder engagement

To contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and the conservation of a beautiful global environment while valuing "Fair play," "Friendship," and "Fighting spirit," it is indispensable to cooperate with various stakeholders. We believe that it is important to listen sincerely to the requests, expectations, opinions, and evaluations of stakeholders, learn from them, and incorporate their feedback into our business activities.

Main stakeholders

* Issues are selected and addressed based on their relationship with business and their importance.

Stakeholders Major communication opportunities Specific examples of actions
Common Website
Year Book
  • Preparation and publication of a Sustainability Report (once a year)
  • Publication of "Year Book," a corporate brochure that includes information on the SDGs and sustainability (once a year)
Customers Mizuno Call Center
Social media
  • Providing active support in which we contact silent customers to respond to their indirect complaints posted on our website
Employees Gathering between management and
employees Labor-management consultation
  • Continuing to provide opportunities for direct communication between the President / executives and employees
Supplier Capacity building (once a year)
On-site audit / Individual dialogue
  • Holding of a CSR procurement seminar: As one of the capacity building initiatives, we hold the Mizuno CSR Procurement Seminar, targeting subcontracted factories that operate overseas factories. It was not held in FY 2022.
  • On-site audit (domestic): Mizuno’s CSR staff visits a factory that employs foreign technical intern trainees to conduct a CSR audit.
  • Dialogue through attendance at an audit: Dialogue is conducted through attendance at an audit of major factories in a country where our operations have recently been launched to check the disparity between the law and what is done on-site and the difficulty level of correcting it. At the closing meeting, it is also checked to what extent the disparity can be corrected. Suppliers and on-site staff are asked to attend audits to share issues.
  • Dialogue with a factory subject to a follow-up audit: We repeatedly have individual meetings with a factory evaluated as C or D in an audit to closely check the progress and status of correction in preparation for a follow-up audit.
  • Dialogue before the commencement of business (production): We hold a briefing session on CSR procurement individually for a new supplier that starts business with us to explain Mizuno’s policy and audits.
  • During regular meetings with major suppliers of the apparel procurement department, we provided updates on our domestic CSR audit status and discussed issues related to foreign technical trainees.
Business partners National Mizuno Meeting Policy presentation meeting / social gathering (held twice a year in line with an exhibition)
  • Not only the staff of the sales division but also the staff in charge of product planning attend a social gathering with business partners to communicate from different perspectives.
Local communities Factory briefing session (risk communication) (once a year)
  • Mizuno Technics Corporation holds regular dialogue sessions on environmental conservation activities in its factories, inviting administrative officials and people from neighborhood associations in the areas where its factories are located.
Government Endorsed and Participated in an event hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (held annually)
  • We have been endorsing and actively participating in the "Global Festa Japan" hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2019. We set up a booth at the event venue to facilitate exchanges of opinions with government agencies and other companies, as well as to communicate with local residents.
Shareholders / Investors General Meeting of Shareholders
  • Early dispatch of the notice of convocation of the General Meeting of Shareholders, preparation of an English version of the notice of convocation, and disclosure of them on the websites of the company and stock exchanges.

Engagement with the local community

Development of preventive care leaders through collaboration with the administration

Please refer to the collaboration case with Habikino City for more information.
Link: (

Communication with local residents through "Trash Pickup Campaign in Combination with Nagara Exercise"

Osaka Prefecture is promoting the initiative of combining Mizuno’s exercise program "Nagara Exercise" with "Trush Collection" called "Trash Pickup Campaign in Combination with Nagara Exercise"
To protect the ocean and marine life, the activity of "Trush Collection" in various places such as urban areas and rivers is introduced on Osaka Prefecture’s website as a fun and sustainable exercise that contributes to overall health and well-being.
In addition, Mizuno actively engages with local residents by participating in activities such as garbage collection around the Sakisucho Building in Osaka Prefecture and events held near the Osaka headquarters, providing opportunities for communication with the community.

"Trash Pickup Campaign in Combination with Nagara Exercise" Started (in Japanese)

* "Nagara Exercise" is an exercise program devised by Mizuno. It is an exercise that can be done anytime, anywhere, and on the spot by finding opportunities to move our bodies in daily life without doing anything special for exercise.

Communication with suppliers

To promote CSR procurement activities, including ensuring the human rights and occupational safety and health of workers in subcontracted factories and promoting environmental conservation activities in the factories, we actively communicate with production-related suppliers and local staff. In the event of an audit, we hold a follow-up meeting to understand the current situation of the suppliers and provide the necessary advice.

Collaboration with labor unions –"Global Framework Agreement"

To work together to protect the human rights of workers in subcontracted factories and improve their working conditions, we held a regular information exchange meeting with UA Zensen and Mizuno Union online on February 8, 2023. They are signatories to the Global Framework Agreement*, which we signed in 2011. We reported the results of our CSR procurement initiatives in FY 2022 and our concerns, and UA Zensen provided information on the concerns and movements of labor unions.

* On October 1, 2020, we updated the content of the Global Framework Agreement signed with IndustriALL Global Union (I-ALL) in 2011.

Participation in outside initiatives

Participation in Outside Initiatives Relating to Sustainability

Organization Name Details Membership status
United Nations Global Compact Mizuno signed the United Nations Global Compact in July 2021. Mizuno supports the Ten principles in the four areas of human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption, advocated by the United Nations Global Compact, and will put them into practice in light of its existing regulations.
logo:United Nations Global Compact
Apparel and Footwear International RSL Management Group (AFIRM) In January 2019, we joined the Apparel and Footwear International RSL Management Group (AFIRM) , an international organization that manages the Restricted Substances List (RSL), to simplify the operation of restricted chemical substances and strengthen the management of them.
TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) In March 2022, Mizuno declared its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Since then, we have been disclosing information in line with the TCFD’s recommendations. We will further enhance our governance related to climate change and develop and formulate strategies based on the analysis of risks and opportunities in our business, aiming to increase the transparency of our disclosures.

Participation in outside initiatives relating to sustainability

Organization Name Details
Public-Private Partnership Platform for Local Development SDGs The Cabinet Office has established a platform with the aim of promoting the domestic implementation of the SDGs and further fostering regional revitalization.
Seeing this platform as an opportunity for public-private collaboration, we think we could deepen partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders and are actively participating.
Kansai SDGs Platform A platform where various actors from the Kansai region participate, including private enterprises, civil society, NPOs, NGOs, universities and research institutions, as well as local and government agencies. As a company in the Kansai region, we are participating to seek collaboration.
Support for UNICEF’s Children’s Rights in Sport Principles We resonate with the principles of "Children’s Rights in Sport Principles," which were announced in 2018 by UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) and the Japan Committee for UNICEF, a public interest incorporated foundation. We are participating as a supporting company.
Sport for Tomorrow Consortium While considering international trends that utilize the power of sports to progress towards a sustainable and harmonious society, they are promoting initiatives in various areas, such as the popularization and promotion of sports and addressing social issues through sports.
We resonate with this purpose and are actively participating.
Japan Platform for Migrant Workers towards Responsible and Inclusive Society (JP-MIRAI) A platform that undertakes initiatives for the protection of rights of foreign workers and improvement of their living and working conditions. Through subcommittee activities, it facilitates discussions and research, and promotes awareness through seminars and forums. We are participating with the aim of deepening collaboration with member organizations.

Organizations and Domestic and Overseas Advisory Institutions within which Mizuno holds positions

  1. Governance organizations within which Mizuno holds positions
Organization Name Post
Association of Japan Sporting Goods Industries (JASPO) Vice Chairman
Kansai Sporting Goods Industrial Association Vice President
Mizuno Sports Promotion Foundation President
Higashi Tax Payment Association Vice President
  1. Organizations operating projects or committees in which Mizuno participates
World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI) Board Member
  1. Organizations to which Mizuno has made more monetary contributions than expected by ordinary membership status


  1. Organizations whose membership is regarded as strategic
Organization Name
Osaka Sporting Goods Wholesalers Association
Study Group for Information Systems on Sporting Goods
Japan Golf Goods Association