Responsible business practices


Why are priority issues important? (reason for importance)

Mizuno believes that it is in a position to fulfill its social responsibilities as a corporation by complying with all laws and international rules in its business activities, maintaining good relationships with stakeholders such as local communities, customers, and suppliers, and will continue to strive for responsible business practices.

Related to the SDGs

icon:Related to the SDGs

Mizuno's Risks and Opportunities

Should there be compliance violations by employees, such as corruption and bribery, or infringements by suppliers, it can lead to severe damage to the company’s reputation and have significant negative impacts on the business activities. Furthermore, we recognize the infringement of third-party intellectual property rights, the expansion of cybercrime, and cybersecurity incidents as risks that could potentially threaten the continuity of our business. We are committed to responsible business practices as we strive to create sustainable corporate value through building trust with our stakeholders.


  • Compliance violations such as corruption and bribery
  • Infringement of third-party intellectual property rights
  • Expansion of cybercrime and cybersecurity incidents


  • Creation of sustainable corporate value through building trust with stakeholders

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Goals & Results

KPI FY2023 Results FY2024 Goal Department in charge
  • Improvement in Employee Awareness of the Internal Reporting Hotline(*d)
①Mizuno Fair Play Hotline awareness among Mizuno employees:90.5%
②Harassment Hotline awareness:90.5%(survey respondents:766 people)
①Mizuno Fair Play Hotline awareness among Mizuno employees:100%
②Harassment Hotline awareness:100%
Internal Audit Office

Approach to priority Issues

Mizuno adheres to laws, social norms, ethics, and internal regulations in its business activities, and takes action to prevent violations of compliance by implementing initiatives under the themes of "Compliance/Anti-corruption," "Protection of Intellectual Property," and "Protection of Personal Information.

Main Initiatives

For initiatives related to "Responsible Business Practices," please refer to the links below:

Link: Compliance / Anti-corruption

Link: Protection of Intellectual Property

Link: Protection of Personal Information

Moving Forward

In response to the expansion of business areas globally, there is a need to strengthen governance in themes such as compliance, intellectual property, and personal information protection. Therefore, we will implement measures (such as employee education, internal organizational changes, and system reviews) tailored to the current challenges faced by the organization.