

Energy consumption [*b]

Unit FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Scope1 City gas 1,000m3 31 30 26 32 47
LP gas t 78 83 85 86 74
Heavy oil kl 93 92 93 103 84
Kerosene kl 38 34 29 33 32
Kerosene kl 658 617 455 527 548
Light oil kl 156 151 111 111 125
Scope2 Electricity 1,000kWh 10,361 10,009 9,378 9,348 9,456
Heat GJ 10,025 9,998 10,568 10,815 11,989

Energy-derived CO2 emissions [*a]

Unit FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
t-CO2 16,350 15,712 14,262 14,537 14,326
Intensity*2 9.18 9.26 9.48 8.42 6.76

* Emission Factor: We use the nationwide average factor of electric power companies, 0.000435 (t-CO2/kWh).

Energy-derived CO2 emissions by country [*a]

(Unit:t-CO2) FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Japan 8,900 8,597 7,787 8,004 8,162
US 4,274 4,269 3,902 3,752 3,494
Canada 205 191 129 139 153
UK 538 505 447 434 403
France 155 101 103 123 82
Netherlands - - 126 126 123
Germany 151 130 101 93 115
Italy 80 80 53 79 94
China (factory) 1,337 1,216 1,049 1,232 1,143
China 86 46 39 42 39
Taiwan 187 181 176 173 169
Hong Kong 78 64 54 31 35
South Korea 183 175 158 178 176
Singapore 32 33 26 26 25
Thailand 34 28 24 18 21
Australia 110 98 89 86 92
Total 16,350 15,714 14,262 14,537 14,326

* The total may not add up exactly because the digits after the decimal point for each country have been rounded.

Water intake by water source [*b]

Unit FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Water pipe and water supply facility 1,000m3 36.5 35.6 28.5 32.1 32.9
Groundwater 1,000m3 9.8 8.1 7.5 6.4 9.8
Total water intake 1,000m3 46.3 43.7 36.0 38.5 42.7

Effluent [*b]

Unit FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total effluent 1,000m3 46.3 43.7 36.0 38.5 42.7

Toluene emissions [*e]

Unit FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Toluene emissions kg 1,114 762 686 1,085 1,293

[*e] Calculated based on data from manufacturing bases in Japan (with Senoh Group bases not included until FY 2020, Senoh Group bases are included afrer FY 2021.)

Emissions of substances subject to the PRTR law [*e]

Unit FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Emissions kg 2,487 2,017 1,706 3,364 3,640

* Since Mizuno limits the use of substances subject to the Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement (known as the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register [PRTR] Law) to its own factories, the amount of such substances transported is 0 kg each year.

Emissions of main substances subject to the PRTR law

Emissions of main substances subject to the PRTR law Unit FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Ethylbenzen kg 69 30 100 130 296
Dichloromethane kg 11 6 0 20 6
Phenol kg 34 64 25 56 43
Toluene kg 1,114 762 686 1,085 1,293
Styrene kg 5 4 12 39 4
Xylene kg 112 71 141 203 379
MIBK kg 31 48 51 0 0
n Hexane kg 219 199 136 443 98
Trimethylbenzene kg 25 2 0 62 124
Methyl methacrylat kg 415 563 374 532 645
2 Aminoethanol kg 284 70 8 8 17
N, N, -Dimethylformamide kg 42 49 28 40 51
Trichlorethylene kg 50 74 39 83 66

* [*e] Calculations are based on data gathered from domestic manufacturing bases (excluding the Senoh Group)

Gross weight of industrial waste [*b]

Unit FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Industrial waste t 441.1 507.4 574.4 857.1 481.4
General waste t 44.3 52.4 37.3 54.1 42.8
Total t 485.4 559.8 611.7 911.2 524.2

* Waste generated by Mizuno did not contain any substances defined as hazardous in the Basel Convention.

Gross weight of waste by treatment method being adopted at Mizuno’s domestic manufacturing bases (four factories) and waste sold as valuables [*e]

Unit FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Industrial waste Incinerated; landfilled t 0.46 0.61 2.99 0.21 0.16
Recycled t 68.31 86.51 67.75 82.85 104.85
Total industrial waste t 68.77 87.12 70.74 83.06 105.01
General waste Incinerated t 40.32 8.45 6.17 6.23 7.13
Landfilled t 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Recycled t 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total general waste t 40.32 8.45 6.17 6.23 7.13
Valuables Reused t 3.18 2.99 0.25 20.3 3.32
Recycled t 137.13 117.80 95.54 111.91 122.45
Total valuables t 140.31 120.79 95.79 132.22 125.76
Total amount of emissions t 249.40 216.36 172.70 221.51 237.90

[*e] Calculations are based on data gathered from domestic manufacturing bases (excluding the Senoh Group)

Environmental accounting

Environmental protection costs

In FY 2022, Mizuno’s environmental protection costs have an increase of approximately 80 million yen from the previous year, bringing the total investment to 182.8 million yen. The expenses increased by 20 million yen from the previous year, amounting to 162.21 million yen. Just as in the previous fiscal year, the FY 2022 investments were mainly made in installing LED lights and switching to energy-saving air conditioners. The environmental protection expenses primarily comprised the cost of research and development in materials and processes that would help reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing processes and that of managing EMS activities.

Environmental protection costs incurred in FY 2022 [*b]

Unit (ten thousand yen)

Categories of environmental protection costs Main efforts Performance in FY 2022
Amount invested Expenses
(1) Business area costs 10,828 8,179
(1)-1 Pollution prevention costs Inspection, examination, and analysis costs 58 763
(1)-2 World environment protection costs Costs incurred for installing energy-saving equipment 10,770 2,854
(1)-3 Resource circulation costs Recycling waste and using recycled material 0 4,562
(2) Upstream and downstream costs Costs for outsourcing product recycling and green procurement costs 0 931
(3) Management activity costs ISO 14001 management costs, external communication costs, and environmental advertising costs 35 2,777
(4) Research and development costs Costs for conducting research into the development of environmentally friendly products 0 4,169
(5) Social activity costs Costs incurred for cleaning up the streets surrounding offices and donating money to the Dongurinokai association 0 165
(6) Costs incurred for paying for environmental damage 0 0
(7) Other environmental protection costs 0 0
Total 10,863 16,221

Effectiveness of environmental protection measures

Effectiveness of environmental protection measures taken in FY 2022 [*b]
Reduction (physical effect)

Environmental aspects Unit Performance in FY 2021 Performance in FY 2022 Reduction Compared to the previous year
Energy and resource conservation Energy and resource conservation 1,000kWh 9,348 9,456 -108 101.2%
City gas 1,000m3 32 47 -15 146.9%
Gasoline; light oil kl 637 673 -36 105.7%
Kerosene kl 33 32 1 97.0%
Heavy oil kl 103 84 19 81.6%
Water supply m3 39 84 19 81.6%
Amount of incinerated general waste t 54 33 6 85.7%
Industrial waste emissions t 857 43 11 79.6%
481 376 56.1%

The FY 2022 data were gathered between April 2022 and March 2023.

Reduction (monetary effect)

Unit (ten thousand yen)

Environmental aspects Performance in FY 2021 Performance in FY 2022 Reduction Compared to the previous
Electricity, gas, gasoline, light oil, kerosene, heavy oil, and water supply bills 41,137 51,232 -10,095 124.5%

The FY 2022 data were gathered between April 2022 and March 2023.